
International Tax Specialist Group

John takes an active part in the Annual World Conferences: London (2013), Paris (2014), New York 2015), Munich (2016), Amsterdam 2017, Beijing (2018), Dubai (2019). European conferences were held in Dublin (May 2016), Sofia (May 2017), Vienna (April 2018), Lisbon (May 2019).

Political Economy Club

Attends and actively participates in regular dinners (usually 20 – 30 people’) – a splendid opportunity to exchange views and information with top economists.


He continues to take an active part in OMFIF discussions with Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors which (like the Political Economy Club and CSFI) provides an excellent focus for discussing these issues in context. He is also a regular book reviewer for Central Banking (see Publications).

Centre for Policy Studies

Active participant in meetings and discussions on free-market economics.

Adam Smith Institute

Subscriber and regular attender at meetings (and, more recently, webinars).

Ad Hoc Council

Former active member: quarterly visits to EU Capitals for high-level off the record meetings with very senior ministers officials and others.